
“This form pisses me off.”


Case Study: Lemons to Lemonade


American Express

My Role

Design Lead



Create a new digital

credit form


Lemons to Lemonade

Creating the best experience for our customers by listening to them.


The Problem

The mobile version of the Amex Platinum Business Card application had a significant drop-off. Submissions were down by an amount that alarmed Amex.

Our Research

Through our research, we discovered that people had strong opinions about the form and the experience. Below are actual quotes from our customers:

“It's way too long.”

“Some of it doesn't make sense.”

“This form has some surprises and it pisses me off.”

This would require designing a new application that is more compact, easily digestible, and therefore increases submissions.


What We Did

Step 1: Get in Order

We reorganized the input fields: deleting fields deemed unnecessary, regrouping the fields that were essential, and grouping related fields together.

Step 2: The New Layout

Input fields were organized into “cards” with a rule of 4 fields per card. The application got a face lift overall incorporating Amex’s new brand styling. With several popular applications using swiping actions we were compelled to think outside the box and create a ‘Swipe To Continue’ version of the application.

Step 3: Putting It To the Test

After building a working prototype that went through multiple phases of focus group testing we reviewed the feedback and made the necessary refinements.

Step 4: The Lemons

Through our testing we observed a lot of compelling interactions and comments. Most of the comments were directed at the SWIPE interaction - most people didn’t like it.

“How do I move to the next screen?”

“This seems weird for a credit card app to have this.”

“This seems like more of a game than a credit card application.”


The Final Result

Hey there, this is the default text for a new paragraph. Feel free to edit this paragraph by clicking on the yellow edit icon. After you are done just click on the yellow checkmark button on the top right. Have Fun!


➤ 7.68% increase in completion rate.

➤ 1.2 minutes on average longer engagement on the application.

➤ 6.5 million additional dollars in the first quarter.